As Supertintendent Sustainable Development for Newcrest Min ing Limited Lihir, David supervised his team to integrate Geo-Spatial data (GIS) into SD Community Relations Department general business processes. The result was invaluable for geo-location of data, visual recognition and situation analysis for improved stakeholder engagement and understanding.

For the first time geo-spatial data such as block boundaries and related compensation payments was being shared with all stakeholders. This helped to reduce confusion and perceptions of bias and unfairness not only by the company but importantly between the landowners.

Using Mipela GeoSolutions X-Info Maps software in land disputes in PNG we were able to view aerial maps and boundary information with stakeholders and landowners and agree or amend as required in real time. The plan was to extend this service to field officers utilising mobile IT systems.

Stakeholders are able to take away a printout of the map of their block for personal records reducing misunderstandings and benefiting future negotiations.

Future plans included the installation of identical systems in the Landowners offices and regular two-way data sharing to reduce reliance on the company for block and compensation information.

Sanida Communications has the expertise to procure, setup and implement X-Info Maps from Mipela GeoSystems and can arrange training and support.

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